Quantum computing has long been seen as the key to solving complex problems that classical computers cannot handle, from simulating new materials to breaking modern encryption.
However, progress has been hindered by a fundamental issue: qubit Instabilité. Even the slightest interference causes quantum bits (qubits) to lose their state, leading to computational errors.
Microsoft says it has developed a solution. The company has now introduced Majorana 1, a quantum processor designed to reduce qubit errors at the hardware level, using topological qubits. Selon Microsoft , cette nouvelle approche pourrait permettre aux systèmes quantiques à grande échelle qui ne rely on complex error correction methods to function.
Microsoft’s strategy contrasts with efforts by Google and IBM, both of which have made progress in superconducting qubits but continue to struggle with scaling due to error rates.Google’s Willow chip, announced in 2024, demonstrated a breakthrough in quantum error correction, while IBM’s Condor processor , lancé en 2023, est devenu la plus grande puce quantique supraconductrice à ce jour, avec 1 121 Qubits.
Plutôt que de poursuivre le même chemin, Microsoft passe la mise au point de la correction d’erreur à la stabilité du qubit. If Majorana 1 works as intended, it could redefine quantum computing by eliminating one of its most difficult technical challenges.
How Microsoft’s Approach Differs
Current quantum computers Comptez sur les qubits supraconducteurs ou piégés, qui sont tous deux très sensibles au bruit environnemental. Cela oblige les ingénieurs à développer des algorithmes de correction d’erreur complexes, nécessitant un grand nombre de qubits redondants pour maintenir la précision. Microsoft’s proposed alternative, topological qubits, is based on a fundamentally different physics principle.
At the core of Majorana 1 is a specialized material called a topoconductor, composed of indium arsenide and aluminum, which enables the formation of Majorana zéro modes. These are exotic quantum states first theorized in 1937, believed to be inherently resistant to disturbances.
Microsoft positions Majorana 1 as the first practical implementation of this approach. In a statement, Microsoft Technical Fellow Chetan Nayak described it as “the transistor for the quantum age”, emphasizing that, if successful, it could lead to a fault-tolerant quantum computer capable of scaling to millions of qubits.
[ Contenu intégré]
L’étude de la nature apporte la crédibilité aux affirmations de Microsoft
tandis que l’approche de Microsoft est ambitieuse, its feasibility has been a topic of debate for years. However, a study published in Nature provides new experimental evidence Soutenir les qubits basés sur Majorana.
La recherche se concentre sur la mesure de la parité interférométrique, une méthode de détection des états quantiques with high precision. Scientists demonstrated that Majorana zero modes can be used to create low-error qubits, potentially paving the way for a more stable quantum architecture.
While the study confirms that Majorana zero modes exist in these materials et peut être contrôlé, cela ne prouve pas encore qu’ils peuvent être utilisés pour construire un ordinateur quantique entièrement opérationnel. The results suggest that Microsoft’s approach has potential, but further experimentation is needed to determine whether it can be scaled beyond laboratory settings.
How Majorana 1 Compares to IBM and Google’s Quantum Strategies
Microsoft’s approach with Majorana 1 is a direct response to the scalability and error correction challenges that have slowed quantum computing progress. Google’s Willow chip demonstrated that error correction could be managed well enough for future scalability, but it still relies on superconducting qubits, which are inherently fragile.
Meanwhile, IBM has focused on increasing qubit count while refining error mitigation techniques. Its Condor processor set a record with 1,121 qubits, making it the world’s largest superconducting quantum processor at the time. However, its architecture still requires large-scale error correction mechanisms, making scalability difficult.
Microsoft is betting that topological qubits will make error correction largely unnecessary, enabling quantum computers to scale more efficiently. If Majorana 1 achieves its intended goal, it could enable quantum processors with millions of qubits—far beyond the reach of current superconducting designs.
Microsoft’s Partnership With Darpa and Long-Term Ambitions
La recherche quantique de Microsoft a gagné du terrain au-delà du secteur privé. The company has been selected for DARPA’s Utility-Scale Quantum Computing (US2QC) program, a U.S. government L’initiative visait à accélérer le développement de systèmes quantiques tolérants aux pannes. Microsoft’s inclusion in this program signals that its approach is viewed as a potential pathway to large-scale quantum computing.
While government backing strengthens Microsoft’s position, it does not guarantee success. The company has stated that it expects to build a functional quantum computer “in years, not decades”, but has not provided a definitive timeline.
Challenges and Skepticism: Can Microsoft Deliver?
Despite Microsoft’s confidence in Majorana 1, quantum computing remains an unpredictable field. The company has invested 17 years in developing topological qubits, yet has not demonstrated a fully scalable quantum system using them. The primary hurdles include not only ensuring that Majorana qubits are stable, but also proving that they can be manufactured at scale.
Even if Microsoft succeeds, alternative quantum architectures—such as Google’s error-corrected superconducting qubits—may become commercially viable first. If that happens, Microsoft’s reliance on topological qubits could become a high-risk strategy rather than an advantage.
The history of quantum research is filled with promising breakthroughs that later encountered unforeseen engineering challenges, making it difficult to predict which approach will ultimately succeed.
Why Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing Matters
Regardless of which company leads the race, quantum computing has the potential to disrupt multiple industries. A fully functional quantum computer could dramatically improve drug discovery, financial modeling, materials science, and cryptography.
One of the most immediate concerns is security. Un ordinateur quantique suffisamment puissant pourrait briser les algorithmes de chiffrement largement utilisés, constituant une menace pour les protocoles de cybersécurité actuels. This has led to post-quantum cryptography efforts, where organizations are working to develop encryption algorithms that can withstand quantum attacks.
Beyond security, quantum computing could also revolutionize materials science by simulating molecular interactions at an atomic level, leading to breakthroughs in battery technology, superconductors, and pharmaceutical development.
Microsoft’s Majorana 1 represents a Tentative audacieuse de remodeler l’informatique quantique en passant la mise au point de la correction des erreurs de qubit pour les empêcher au niveau matériel.
Cependant, de nombreuses questions demeurent. Les qubits basés sur Majorana peuvent-ils être mis à l’échelle en systèmes quantiques pratiques? Vont-ils surpasser les architectures concurrentes d’IBM et de Google? And most importantly, will Microsoft’s approach pay off before its competitors achieve commercial quantum computing?
For now, Majorana 1 is an important step forward, but whether it becomes the foundation for future quantum systems or simply another experiment in Une longue série de percées quantiques reste à voir.