幾天前,我試圖在帶有ARM CPU的Windows 11副PC上安裝HP Winder 377DW MFP打印機的完整軟件。但是在安裝期間,我面臨“服務’插件’(插件)的錯誤。驗證您擁有適當的特權來啟動系統服務。 507“>
3. Then scroll down, expand Driver Smart Universal Print Driver and download the HP Smart Universal Printing Driver for Windows V4 (ARM64-bit).
4. When the download is completed double-click at the downloaded file”SUPD-V4-ARM64-x.xx.x.xxxx.exe”choose Run and then click Unzip.
5. In HP driver installer wizard, scroll down to read and accept the license terms and then click Next.
6. Finally select the driver installation mode and click Next to install your printer.
Method 2. Install Printer using HP Smart app.
The second method to install an HP Printer on Windows 11 ARM based PC’s, is to use the HP Smart App.
1. Click the link below to navigate to HP Smart download page:
2. Click the Download button to download the HP Smart installer.
3. When the download is completed, double-click on the downloaded ‘HP Smart Installer.exe“to install the app.
4. Finally, when’HP Smart’launces, click Add Printer and follow the onscreen instructions to install your printer.
Method 3. Install the Printer Manually using the’Add Printer Wizard’Feature.
If you haven’t already and before continuing below, use the instructions on Method-1 above to download the HP Smart Universal Print Driver (steps 1-3), and after unzipping the download file (step-4), close the HP driver installation wizard (step-5).
1. Go to Start > Settings > Bluetooth & devices and open Printers & scanners.
2. Click Add device and let to Windows to try to find the printer.
3. Then click Add manually next to”The Printer that I want isn’t listed”.
4. In the’Add Printer’wizard, select the printer connection type [eg Local (USB) or Network (IP Address)] and click Next.
5. On the next screen, if the printer is connected locally, select its USB connection port, or else, if it is networked, enter the printer’s IP address (like in this example).
6. Now, let Windows detect the printer driver and when they fail, click Have Disk to install the printer driver manually.
7. Then click Browse, navigate to the following location on disk”C:\HPSUPD\SUPD-V4-ARM64-4.xx.x.xxxx”click Open and then OK.
8. Finally, select either the HP Smart Universal Printing or the HP Smart Universal Printing (v4.xx.x) printer driver and click Next to install it.
That’s it!哪種方法適合您?