Microsoft正在其安全副駕駛平台中引入AI驅動的安全代理商,旨在幫助安全專業人員管理不斷增長的網絡威脅。 These agents automate key processes such as phishing detection, identity protection, and vulnerability management, reducing manual workloads for IT teams.

Microsoft has confirmed that these new AI security agents will be available in preview starting April 27. The release marks a continuation of Microsoft’s AI-assisted security strategy, following the early 2024 launch of Security Copilot as an enterprise-focused AI cybersecurity助理。


網絡安全團隊面臨著快速增長的威脅景觀。根據微軟的說法,其威脅情報部門現在每天處理84萬億個信號,網絡犯罪分子每秒發起7,000個密碼攻擊。此外,微軟報導了2024年針對客戶的300億個網絡釣魚電子郵件。 href=“生態系統:

網絡釣魚劑(Microsoft Defender):標誌並優先考慮網絡釣魚警報,降低誤報並隨著時間的推移提高檢測準確性。 警報分類代理(Microsoft Purview):識別並分類內幕威脅和數據丟失風險。 有條件的訪問優化代理(Microsoft Entra):通過完善訪問策略並阻止可疑身份驗證嘗試來增強身份保護。 脆弱性補救劑(Microsoft Intune):自動化漏洞評估和補救優先級。 威脅情報簡報代理(安全副駕駛):提供精心策劃的安全見解,以幫助團隊對新興威脅進行積極反應。


Microsoft Teams

Microsoft在Microsoft團隊中擴展了AI安全保護措施。從下個月開始,Microsoft For Office 365將引入增強的團隊的網絡釣魚防禦措施,改善對惡意URL和附件的檢測。



ontrust的隱私違規響應代理 :在數據洩露後協助以合規性和響應策略為協助。 aviatrix的網絡主管代理:對網絡失敗進行根本原因分析。 Bluevoyant的Secops工具劑:評估安全操作並建議改進。 Tanium的警報分類代理:幫助確定安全警報以減少分析師的工作量。 Fletch的任務優化器代理:使用AI來預測和對更快的響應時間進行威脅警報。

These partnerships highlight Microsoft’s effort to building a flexible AI-driven security ecosystem that integrates both in-house and third-party solutions.

Security Copilot’s AI Expansion and Future Outlook

Since its initial launch in early 2024, Security Copilot has rapidly evolved. Initially positioned as a security assistant, Microsoft is now shifting toward a more autonomous, AI-driven security infrastructure.

Security Copilot is currently priced at $2,920 per month for enterprise customers, making it a premium security investment for large organizations.

As cyber threats continue to evolve, Microsoft’s AI security agents represent a push toward more automated threat detection and response.組織是否完全接受這種AI驅動的安全性是否取決於這些代理在現實情況下的有效性。

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