
核心變化? Many of the prominent links inside these AI-powered summaries are now directing users back to new Google Search queries, as opposed to primarily linking to the external websites providing the original information.

Meanwhile, Google is currently testing a new AI Mode, currently only available to Google One AI Premium users via Search Labs, which allows for purely AI-driven search results that replace traditional links with AI-generated答案。


Google AI概述帶有下劃線,然後單擊時,它會用新的查詢重定向。 @gaganghotra_

– sachin Patel(@sachupatel53124)March 17, 2025

The shift raises a fundamental question: Are AI Overviews genuinely designed to help users discover diverse來源,還是他們正在發展成為一種工具,以使用戶主要使用戶參與到Google自己的搜索環境中?




這種變化的後果對於在線出版商來說可能很大。 Concerns already existed regarding AI Overviews and their effect on website traffic.

Previous reporting indicated a documented drop in click-through rates (CTR) from Google Search to external websites because of the inclusion of AI Overviews.

一項研究甚至顯示出在AI概述中引用的URL的點擊率下降了8.9%。 The concern now is whether users will actively choose to click on links leading to publishers’ content when presented with more easily accessible options to remain within Google’s search environment.

American education technology company Chegg has already filed a訴訟針對Google的訴訟,指控歸因於AI概述的流量和收入損失。在英國,一些發行商在AI概述推出後經歷了5%至10%的交通量,其中一位專家出版商報告損失高達50%。

缺乏數據透明度,這一問題更加複雜。出版商正在努力充分評估AI概述的影響,因為據報導,Google在Google Analytics(分析)或Google Search Console中沒有為這些功能提供單獨的點擊數據數據。

主要將其鏈接回其自己的搜索結果,Google可能會增加其內部搜索量和搜索結果的內部搜索量和廣告收入。 Whether this ultimately serves the user’s best interests or primarily bolsters Google’s own metrics remains a point of open debate.

Google’s Response and Quality Control

Responding to concerns about Google’s upcoming AI Mode, Google’s VP of Product at Google Search, Robby Stein, emphasized a commitment to facilitating user access to external sites, stating that further user interface更新正在開發中。

Google VP(撰寫了“ AI模式”公告的人),他們如何處理出版商的顧慮。 👇

– Mike Futia(@mikefutia)