Google is expanding its Gemini AI with two major updates: Canvas, a structured workspace for writing and coding, and Audio Overview, a feature that generates spoken summaries of key topics.
These additions come after Google’s recent decision to transition away from Google Assistant, positioning Gemini as a more comprehensive AI assistant for productivity and research.
With these tools, Google aims to provide a more交互式AI體驗,允許用戶以不同格式生成,編輯和消費信息。該公司還計劃今年晚些時候將帆布和音頻概述擴展到平板電腦,智能手錶和其他連接的設備。
與雙子座的傳統基於聊天的界面不同,Canvas提供了一個結構化的工作空間,用戶可以在其中與AI生成的內容交互,而無需中斷整體文檔,而不是構建工程的構建文本。 just a conversational AI.
Google Gemini Canvas editing demo (Source: Google)
Google’s approach appears to be a direct response to OpenAI’s ChatGPT Canvas, introduced in October 2024, which brought a similar feature to its AI ecosystem.
However, Google’s implementation integrates Gemini’s AI-driven suggestions with Google Search and Workspace tools, offering a more interconnected editing經驗。
google Gemini Canvas coding demo (Source: Google)
Canvas reduces the time spent on document revisions and code debugging substantially, thanks to its ability to isolate and refine AI-generated content without manual rewrites.
Audio Overview: AI-Generated Summaries for Hands-Free Consumption
Alongside Canvas, Google is launching音頻概述,該功能提供了關鍵主題的口語摘要。該工具專為喜歡聽覺學習或需要免費訪問信息的用戶而設計,可以增強用戶與Gemini的交互方式。
Google在音頻概述中改進了語音綜合,以使其更具吸引力和結構化,這與以前的AI生成的敘述相比,Google Assistans的先前敘事。音頻概述提供了上下文感知的摘要,而不是逐字閱讀內容,從而更容易快速掌握基本信息。在最初的推出時,音頻概述僅支持英語,但預計將在未來幾個月內提供其他語言支持。
更新是Google更廣泛的策略的一部分,該策略是Google Assiste Assistan Assistans and Trundition after Assistair and Transition to Gemini的更廣泛的策略。如 Google已確認 ,助手將不再可以在大多數Android設備上訪問大多數Android設備,因為用戶將不再升級到Gemini和Audio fromio and gooke and gooke and gooke。所有用戶。這些工具以前僅適用於高級訂戶,允許多步研究任務和AI驅動的個性化。
此舉使Google Gemini成為OpenAI的直接競爭者,啟用了OpenAI的深入研究功能,並且具有自己深入的研究實現。
gemini vs. Openai和Anthropic:AI Assistant Race
Google並不孤單地在重新定義AI功能的工作區中。 Openai的Chatgpt Canvas最近推出了實時的HTML和React代碼預覽,使其成為雙子座帆布的強大競爭者。
展望未來,Google計劃將帆布和音頻概述擴展到智能手機之外,將它們集成到佩戴OS智能手錶和Google Home Exgection中。
這兩個功能都預計將在Google朝著完全AI-dynii Adapts Dynamapts Dynapts Dynylys Dectrys plyspers of Dectionally dectife devipe