

亞馬遜策略的核心是新的Alexa+ Service,是基於訂閱的供應,供應供應19.99美元的供應$ 9.99或9月9日。 Alexa+有望提供更智能的互動,增強的家庭自動化和積極建議。攝像機回答諸如白天是否已行走的問題,為用戶提供了更多以上下文驅動的幫助。 Critics argue that while the enhanced capabilities might appeal to power users, the move to a subscription service may alienate casual users, particularly given that competitors like Microsoft’s Copilot and OpenAI’s ChatGPT are offering similar voice assistant features for free.

Amazon’s new direction contrasts sharply with its previous offering, where Echo users could choose to limit the data Amazon stored.在新系統下,所有語音數據都將由亞馬遜傳輸和保留,許多人認為這損害了用戶的隱私。

,而亞馬遜表示,用戶仍然可以刪除錄音並管理隱私設置,而轉向服務器端數據收集的轉變是與以前的隱私控制的偏離和強大的保密性損失。 is that it removes the ability for users to prevent their voice interactions from being uploaded to Amazon’s servers.

Until now, users had the option to limit the data Amazon retained, a feature that provided a measure of privacy in an increasingly data-driven world.

However, the switch to sending all voice data to the cloud is likely to exacerbate concerns over how this data is managed, stored, and受保護的。




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