Apple and Google have confirmed plans to implement end-to-end encryption (E2EE) for Rich Communication Services (RCS) messages exchanged between iPhone and Android devices.

This collaboration is set to elevate cross-platform messaging security by ensuring that communications are shielded from unauthorized access, marking a notable step in advancing privacy standards for mobile messaging.

GSMA’s Encryption Update Sets New Standards for Secure Messaging

The initiative follows the GSMA’s公告更新的RCS通用配置文件3.0 ,該集成了消息傳遞層安全性(MLS) src=“”>

這使得RCS成為第一個大型消息通訊標準,以支持跨多個平台可互操作的E2EE。 According to the GSMA, the updated profile ensures that messages, media, and files are protected from interception as they move between devices and networks.

RCS, designed to enhance traditional SMS, supports features like high-quality media sharing, read receipts, and improved group chat experiences.

Unlike SMS, RCS uses mobile data or Wi-Fi to transmit messages, offering a richer and more interactive溝通格式。 The adoption of MLS strengthens this framework by encrypting data at every stage of the communication process, reducing risks of unauthorized interception.

Apple’s Evolving Strategy in Messaging Security

Apple introduced RCS support with the iOS 18, a move that enhanced message interoperability between iPhone and Android devices.但是,E2EE最初是不存在的。蘋果公司最近將E2EE添加到RCS消息中的確認反映了與行業隱私標準的更廣泛的戰略一致性。

在官方聲明中,一位蘋果發言人指出:“端到端的加密是端到端的強大隱私和安全技術,自一開始就開始支持,我們很高興能夠通過跨越的努力來實現跨越的努力。 Profile.”

Once integrated, this encryption will extend across Apple’s platforms, including iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS, ensuring that cross-platform messages are protected with the same security that currently safeguards iMessage.

Google’s Commitment to Secure Messaging

Google has been at the forefront of RCS security advancements. The company介紹了2021年6月的一對一RCS聊天的E2EE,並將此功能擴展到2023年8月的小組聊天。這種積極主動的方法反映了Google在確保Android設備上的移動通信方面的長期投資。

談到GSMA的更新規範,Google發言人Ed Fernandez 告訴/20verge”>告訴/a> 邊緣:“我們一直致力於提供安全的消息傳遞體驗。 We’re excited to see the updated RCS Universal Profile that ensures end-to-end encryption across platforms and are working closely with partners to bring this to users.”

Google’s alignment with the GSMA’s encryption standards will ensure that messages between Android and iOS devices are encrypted, eliminating long-standing security concerns over cross-platform communications.

Overcoming Technical Challenges for跨平台的加密



GSMA的技術總監湯姆·範·佩爾特(Tom Van Pelt)強調了這些發展的重要性:“ RCS現在可以更好地滿足現代安全需求。 We’re closing interoperability gaps and setting a new standard for secure messaging.”

These advancements follow earlier GSMA initiatives to bolster RCS security, including mechanisms to mitigate fraud risks and ensure message integrity. The updated Universal Profile ensures that encryption is consistently applied, providing a robust privacy framework for global users.

User Impact and Security增強功能






蘋果,此更新擴展了iMessage的隱私方法對RCS Missaging的隱私方法,這一舉動自來就一直以來一直在ios的最初置於IOS的範圍內,而google的最初範圍是google的最初範圍。對於Android上的安全,現代的消息傳遞。


RCS中向E2EE邁進的轉變強調了不斷增長的行業共識,即隱私和安全性應該是現代消息平台的基本特徵。 Apple,Google和GSMA之間的合作反映了行業領導者如何共同努力,以促進保護用戶的安全標準,同時還可以確保跨平台之間的互操作性。

此更新還突出了GSMA等行業機構在塑造影響全球通信的安全協議中的影響。 GSMA在定義通用概況和集成MLS方面的領導能力是行業合作如何推動複雜生態系統的安全改進的模型。

隨著越來越多的公司採用更新的通用概況,這些安全標準很可能會影響技術行業的其他部門。 The focus on privacy and secure encryption may drive similar initiatives in other forms of digital communication, further embedding encryption as a default expectation rather than an optional feature.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Secure Messaging

As Apple and Google prepare for the full rollout of encrypted RCS messaging, the broader tech industry will be observing how this change influences user behavior and expectations.此舉可能為其他通信平台設定了先例,鼓勵他們增強自己的安全協議。

對於用戶,這意味著更大的保證,他們的對話(無論是一對一還是在小組設置中)將受到私人的保護並受到保護。 MLS的整合為維持跨不同設備和操作系統的加密提供了一種可擴展和高效的解決方案,解決了以前阻礙安全跨平台通信的關鍵管理挑戰。


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