Google聯合創始人Larry Page正在悄悄地支持一個名為Dynatomics的高度秘密人工智能創業公司,該啟動似乎正在開發AI驅動的製造技術。
與Google DeepMind和OpenAI等主要的AI實驗室不同,諸如Google DeepMind和OpenAi,該實驗室的重點是大型語言和生產AI,據報導,該啟動是在ai for Industrial ai for Industrial生產的/larry-page-has-a-a-ai-ai-startup“ target=“ _ blank”>根據信息。
但是,幾乎沒有公共信息有關其公司結構,領導或特定技術。 A website has been put up already, greeting with a simple message saying that they are “working on something new”.
The Dynatomics website
Given the absence of official statements, speculation remains about whether this is a personally funded initiative or an unannounced extension of Alphabet’s AI research.
Page has a history of backing ambitious but discreet technology projects. His now-defunct Kitty Hawk Corporation, which aimed to develop personal electric aircraft, remained under the radar for years before ultimately shutting down in 2022.
Much like that venture, Dynatomics has avoided public attention, leading to questions about its objectives and long-term viability.
A Stealth AI Project With an Unknown Scope
Unlike most AI startups that actively seek investor interest and media coverage, Dynatomics has maintained an unusual level of secrecy.該信息表明,該公司專注於製造業中的人工智能應用,該領域尚未看到廣泛的集成。
傳統的工廠自動化依賴於嚴格編程的機器人技術,但是AI-DRIEN的系統可以允許實時適應性,自動化性,自動化和甚至自動化產品設計。 tesla 已經在其gigafactories中引入了AI自動化,而farewell letter alongside Sergey Brin, Page wrote in 2019: “We’ve never been ones to hold on to management roles when we think there’s a better way to run the company. Alphabet和Google不再需要兩名首席執行官和一名總統AI的集成可以將工業生產提高到一個新的水平。分析數據,預測效率低下和調整過程的系統無需人工干預。