
現在,所有用戶都可以使用這兩個功能,標誌著以隱私為中心的搜索引擎的重要里程碑。 DuckDuckGo integrates AI-generated summaries into search results while offering anonymous access to several AI chatbot models through

In contrast to Google and Microsoft, DuckDuckGo ensures that these interactions remain private, without logging user data or utilizing search queries for AI model training.

The features began as part of a limited beta in 2023 and were gradually expanded in 2024, as DuckDuckGo refined the tools based on user feedback.

Now, the company announced that the tools have fully exited beta, making them available to the broader public. AI驅動的搜索結果和聊天功能都可以使用,如果用戶希望從AI中受益。





正如DuckDuckgo在其正式公告中強調的那樣:“當我們生成AI輔助答案時,我們匿名將用於代表您的基本AI的基礎AI稱為您的基本AI模型,因此您的個人信息永遠不會曝光您的個人信息。此方法稱為代理。 Duck.ai聊天的工作也是如此。為了從技術上講,我們完全刪除您的IP地址,然後使用自己的IP地址。這樣,代理的請求就來自我們,而不是您。”

這種立場與Google和Microsoft使用數據來完善其AI驅動的工具進行了對比。雖然這些公司依賴於個人數據來增強搜索能力,但DuckDuckgo-First-First的方法確保了使用搜索範圍的decction and normy and nomy and nomy and nomy不受與大型公司的AI生成內容相同的隱私問題。/“ target=” _ blank“> ,聊天機器人平台,允許用戶與各種AI型號進行交互。

這些包括Openai的Chantgpt和Anthropic的Claude等。 What makes unique is that it does not require users to create accounts or log in to use the service.

Source: DuckDuckGo

Users can interact with these AI models without linking any personal information to their sessions, and all conversations are processed without storing any data.

In line with its privacy-first philosophy, DuckDuckGo stated, “Within, recent chats are only stored locally on your device, not on DuckDuckGo servers. […]我們或基礎模型提供者都不使用任何AI培訓。要回答答案並確保所有系統都可以正常工作,這些提供商可能會暫時存儲聊天,但是我們刪除了所有元數據,因此他們無法親自將聊天與您聯繫起來。 “

這與Openai的Chatgpt和Microsoft的Copilot等競爭對手形成鮮明對比,這些副作用將對話歷史存儲以進行未來的模型培訓。 By not retaining any user data, DuckDuckGo ensures that users can interact with AI chatbots without fear of their information being used for training or analysis purposes.

How Will Users Respond to Privacy-Centered AI?

As AI-powered tools become increasingly integrated into search engines, the question arises: Will privacy-conscious users gravitate towards DuckDuckGo’s model, or will they continue to rely on Google and Microsoft’s more personalized offerings?

While privacy advocates may be drawn to DuckDuckGo’s no-tracking approach, the challenge remains in convincing a larger user base to prioritize privacy over convenience and personalization.

DuckDuckGo’s gradual but steady growth over the years suggests that there is a growing demand for privacy-first tools.隨著對在線隱私和數據濫用的擔憂繼續上升,更多的用戶可能會開始實現AI驅動的搜索引擎的價值,該引擎不會利用其個人數據。











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