據稱,蘋果將在2026年之前引入其第一個可折疊的iPhone,自2019年引入Galaxy Z折疊以來,進入了由三星主導的市場。

最近享有的Apple Apple Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo最近揭示了有關蘋果計劃的關鍵細節,證實該設備將採用書籍風格的設計,無摺痕的OLED屏幕和高級定價,超過$ 2,000。但是,據說可折疊的智能手機可以忽略Apple的face ID技術,並標記了其當前的較大型號

蘋果正在強調先進的OLED技術,以確保沒有可見屏幕摺痕的高質量用戶體驗。據報導,該公司正在開發專門為可折疊設備設計的更薄的OLED面板’設備。 OLED技術以出色的對比度,生動的顏色表示和真實的黑色水平,自然會補充可折疊的智能手機要求,可能使Apple的產品與競爭相距甚遠。


據Ming-Chi Kuo認為,遺漏被認為是對將面部ID所需的複雜TrueDeppth攝像頭系統集成到可折疊形式的技術挑戰的戰略反應。可能會探索替代性身份驗證方法,可能會恢復到先進的指紋技術或IRIS掃描。

By making this choice, Apple signals its willingness to compromise certain standard features to prioritize overall device reliability and form factor innovation.

High-End Market Positioning: Targeting Luxury Consumers

Apple’s decision to price its foldable phone above the $2,000 mark clearly positions it as a luxury offering within the smartphone market. Ming-Chi Kuo specifically emphasized that Apple’s high price strategy aligns with its broader brand positioning, appealing primarily to early adopters and tech enthusiasts willing to pay a premium for groundbreaking design and functionality.

This pricing decision places Apple in direct competition with Samsung’s foldable offerings, which have defined premium foldable pricing standards since the Galaxy Z Fold’s initial launch.

Strategic Timing: Apple’s Cautious Market Approach

Apple’s choice to wait until 2026 to launch its foldable iPhone reflects a historically cautious and strategic approach to market entry.

By allowing competitors, particularly Samsung, to navigate early challenges with foldable technology, Apple has gained valuable insights into consumer preferences, technological pitfalls, and market expectations.Samsung’s Galaxy Z Fold, introduced in 2019, initially faced significant criticism for durability issues, visible creases, and hinge reliability.




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