Microsoft OneDrive用戶一直在處理尚未解決的令人沮喪的問題。幾個月來,共享的文件夾曾經無縫同步到文件資源管理器現在以Web快捷方式而不是本地目錄出現。

Adding a shared folder to OneDrive’s “My Files”section in theory means they appear as a normal, locally stored directory within File Explorer. Now, an increasing number of users find that shared folders are instead represented as.url shortcut files, which merely redirect them to OneDrive’s web interface rather than functioning as integrated local storage.

OneDrive Shared Folder Syncing is Broken

The issue has been disrupting workflows for businesses and individuals alike. Reports about the problem have been circulating since early 2024, with users posting complaints across Microsoft’s forums, Reddit, and tech discussion sites. Despite repeated calls for an explanation and fixes, Microsoft has remained mostly silent.

One affected user shared on Reddit his frustrations already last summer, explaining how the problem with OneDrive’s shared file syncing is affecting his business.

“My team has been dealing with this for over two months now.他們中的許多人已經能夠共享並使用本地文件(使用“始終在此設備上”檢查該文件夾的oneDrive Win 11桌面應用程序)已有5年以上。早在6月,筆記本電腦開始將共享文件夾顯示為URL鏈接。這意味著內部的文件不再可以與計算機上的本地應用程序進行交互。


,只有兩個可以訪問該文件夾,並將其本地存儲在其計算機上(加上文件夾所有者)。我無法製作頭部或尾巴,因為我最初認為也許是從Windows 10升級的機器上有一個神秘的剩菜允許。但是後來我們剛剛在開始之前的幾週內添加了一台新的筆記本電腦,並且它帶有Win 11,並且仍然可以訪問。


很少發布其他信息。我幾乎沒有相信微軟了解這個問題,也不是他們積極地研究問題,因為它似乎已經隨機擊中了計算機。我真的不想繼續前進,但我認為Google for Desktop可能是我們的下一個飛躍。”


Olders-In-In-In-file-explorer“> AskWoody 2月22日開始閱讀:

“在今天早上的凌晨發生了一些事情,與我共享的OneDrive文件夾不再是通過文件Explorer訪問的。它們只能通過互聯網快捷方式訪問。這意味著我編寫的任何程序和/或腳本以前訪問過這些共享文件夾中的文件不再工作。直到今天早上6:30凌晨6:30之後的某個時候,情況都很好。 (我有一個計劃的任務,該任務在6:30成功運行,但在7:30失敗了-自從由於該文件夾不可用而失敗)。受影響的PC都在運行Windows 11 24H2,其中一個是Pro版本,另一個是Home版本。”


Microsoft的 ONEDRIVE共享文件Syncin的支持頁面 G現在提到了這個問題,但沒有提供任何解釋或可能的修復。該通知讀取:

“以互聯網快捷方式出現的“ oneDrive共享文件夾”
earke 您的文件文件夾中的一些共享文件夾可能會顯示為.URL Internet快捷方式而不是實際文件夾。

我們知道該問題並在解決問題時自動轉換為文件夾。 Microsoft論壇上的一位用戶“什麼時候可以修復? It has been unresolved for nearly six months now.”

The lack of an official response has provoked speculation about whether this is an intentional shift or an unacknowledged bug.

For businesses that rely on OneDrive for file collaboration, the change has been disruptive. Many companies use shared folders as part of their workflow, and the sudden shift to web-based access has broken automation scripts, disrupted offline file management, and complicated IT policies.

With no reliable solution in place, some organizations have begun evaluating alternatives like Dropbox or Google Drive, which allow shared folder syncing without issues.

With no official clarification from Microsoft, the future of OneDrive’s shared folder syncing remains uncertain. Users affected by the issue must decide whether to continue waiting for a fix, attempt unreliable workarounds, or transition to alternative cloud storage solutions. While some businesses have begun shifting away from OneDrive, others are holding out in the hope that Microsoft will reinstate the original functionality.

Historically, Microsoft has reversed unpopular OneDrive changes when faced with sustained user backlash, such as with the return of OneDrive placeholders in Windows 10. However, without explicit confirmation from Microsoft, it remains unclear whether this is a temporary disruption or a deliberate shift toward more web-based file access.

Categories: IT Info