
Black Basta分支機構已知,以利用利用漏洞,並濫用有效的憑證來獲得受害者網絡的初始接收。流浪漢使用的近乎相同的方法表明了共享基礎架構或人員的可能性。

記錄顯示了Tramp與Lockbit 2.0和3.0的連接,他的活動在2022年至少在28個與Lockbit有關-gesis/“”>鏈接到虛擬機。

His role in ransomware dates even further back, with a consistent use of the highly insecure password “123123″for file protection, a pattern observed across multiple ransomware groups, including REvil and Conti.

In 2021, Tramp was involved in a dispute within REvil’s affiliate program, where he lost access to the ransomware negotiation platform and sought arbitration on a well-known cybercriminal forum. Using the handle washingt0n32, he claimed to have “more than 10 years”of experience in penetration testing, indicating that his involvement in cybercrime extends beyond ransomware into broader hacking activities.

Leaked Black Basta Chat Logs Hint at Tramp’s Origins

Evidence linking Tramp to Black Basta comes from exposed leaked internal conversations between Black Basta affiliates shared by PRODAFT on X, a cyber threat intelligence company that specializes in proactive cybersecurity solutions.

聊天日誌揭示了關於贖金定價和攻擊策略的內部爭議,其中一位成員說:“我們需要標準化贖金百分比。 Custom pricing is leading to too many inconsistencies.”

The leak also confirmed Black Basta’s move toward more advanced encryption tools and targeted attacks, which researchers believe may have contributed to the development of Tramp.

With Tramp’s operational model aligning so closely with Black Basta’s, analysts are investigating whether former members of the now-diminished group have resurfaced under a new identity.

🔍 As part of our continuous monitoring, we’ve observed that BLACKBASTA (Vengeful Mantis) has been mostly inactive since the start of the year due to internal conflicts. Some of its operators scammed victims by collecting ransom payments without providing functional decryptors.…

— PRODAFT (@PRODAFT) February 20, 2025

Tramp’s Connection to REvil and the Evolution of Ransomware Operations

The rise of Tramp follows a pattern seen repeatedly in ransomware operations, where one group disappears only for another to take its place using near-identical tactics.在Black Basta之前,RESOMWARE的主要力量是Revil的,它的大規模攻擊




他們的調查證實了很多證據,這表明Oleg Nefedov是Tremp。根據該報告,除Washingt0n32外,Tramp還使用了Pseudonyms P1JA,AA,GG。


2017年,他與俄羅斯雲礦業公司BiTSoft(一家都集中在以太坊,litecoin,litecoin和zccash,remote dumpord in of Dompord indopers in of Domenty insed in of Morder indote insed insed and in offeremian cloud compand of Bitsoft,他都在此中。他的早期財務記錄表明,BOTSOFT的收入適中,後來從另一家公司的Polis轉變為2024年之前的收入。

據報導,他早年的收入相對較低,但據報導,據報導,據報導,據報導,他仍然保持了豪華的生活方式,以驅動著豪華的高端汽車ES G級AMG G63 SUV。



cybersecurity企業將較大的關注者與較大的零件相關聯,替換了較大的ransom and and and and ands and and and in nots and in nork and in nork and inst inl and inst inl and inl and in link and另一個勒索軟件組-代表有組織的網絡犯罪的持續發展。